Goofy Turtle, St. John, USVI
Trunkfish, St. John, USVI
Turtle Up Close, St. John, USV
Yellow Angelfish, St. John, USVI
Feather Duster, St. John, USVI
Turtle on Bottom, St. John, USVI
Squid, St. John, USVI
Pufferfish, St. John, USVI
Soft Coral and Blue Tang, St. John, USVI
Stingray, St. John, USVI
Truckin' Octopus, St. John, USVI
Scrawled Filefish, St. John, USVI
Goofy Turtle, St. John, USVI
Goofy Turtle, St. John, USVI

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Trunkfish, St. John, USVI
Trunkfish, St. John, USVI
Turtle Up Close, St. John, USV
Turtle Up Close, St. John, USV
Yellow Angelfish, St. John, USVI
Yellow Angelfish, St. John, USVI
Feather Duster, St. John, USVI
Feather Duster, St. John, USVI
Turtle on Bottom, St. John, USVI
Turtle on Bottom, St. John, USVI
Squid, St. John, USVI
Squid, St. John, USVI
Pufferfish, St. John, USVI
Pufferfish, St. John, USVI
Soft Coral and Blue Tang, St. John, USVI
Soft Coral and Blue Tang, St. John, USVI
Stingray, St. John, USVI
Stingray, St. John, USVI
Truckin' Octopus, St. John, USVI
Truckin' Octopus, St. John, USVI
Scrawled Filefish, St. John, USVI
Scrawled Filefish, St. John, USVI